Rsbuild Core

This section describes some of the core methods provided by Rsbuild.


Create a Rsbuild instance object.

  • Type:
function createRsbuild(options: CreateRsbuildOptions): Promise<RsbuildInstance>;
  • Example:
import { createRsbuild } from '@rsbuild/core';

const rsbuild = await createRsbuild({
  // options


The first parameter of createRsbuild is a options object, you can pass in the following options:

type CreateRsbuildOptions = {
  cwd?: string;
  rsbuildConfig?: RsbuildConfig;


  • cwd: The root path of the current build, the default value is process.cwd().
  • provider: Used to switch the underlying bundler.
  • rsbuildConfig: Rsbuild configuration object. Rsbuild provides a rich set of configuration options that allow you to customize the build behavior flexibly. You can find all available configuration options in the Configuration section.


Load Rsbuild configuration file.

  • Type:
function loadConfig(params: {
  // Default is process.cwd()
  cwd: string;
  // Specify the configuration file, can be a relative or absolute path
  path?: string;
}): Promise<{
  content: RsbuildConfig;
  filePath: string | null;
  • Example:
import { loadConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';

const { content } = await loadConfig();

console.log(content); // -> Rsbuild config object

If the Rsbuild config file does not exist in the cwd directory, the return value of the loadConfig method is { content: {}, filePath: null }.


Load the .env file and return all environment variables starting with the specified prefixes.

  • Type:
type LoadEnvOptions = {
   * The root path to load the env file
   * @default process.cwd()
  cwd?: string;
   * Used to specify the name of the .env.[mode] file
   * @default process.env.NODE_ENV
  mode?: string;
   * The prefix of public variables
   * @default ['PUBLIC_']
  prefixes?: string[];

function loadEnv(options: LoadEnvOptions): {
  /** All environment variables in the .env file */
  parsed: Record<string, string>;
  /** The absolute paths to all env files */
  filePaths: string[];
  /** Environment variables that start with prefixes */
  publicVars: Record<string, string>;
  /** Clear the environment variables mounted on `process.env` */
  cleanup: () => void;
  • Example:
import { loadEnv, mergeRsbuildConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';

const { parsed, publicVars } = loadEnv();

const mergedConfig = mergeRsbuildConfig(
    source: {
      define: publicVars,

This method will also load files such as .env.local and .env.[mode], see Environment Variables for details.


Used to merge multiple Rsbuild configuration objects.

The mergeRsbuildConfig function takes multiple configuration objects as parameters. It deep merges each configuration object, automatically combining multiple function values into an array of sequentially executed functions, and returns a merged configuration object.

  • Type:
function mergeRsbuildConfig(...configs: RsbuildConfig[]): RsbuildConfig;
  • Example:
import { mergeRsbuildConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';

const config1 = {
  dev: {
    https: false,
const config2 = {
  dev: {
    https: true,

const mergedConfig = mergeRsbuildConfig(config1, config2);

console.log(mergedConfig); // { dev: { https: true } }

This method will not modify the config object in the input parameter.


Used to output log information in a unified format, based on rslog.

  • Example:
import { logger } from '@rsbuild/core';

// A gradient welcome log
logger.greet(`\n➜ Rsbuild v1.0.0\n`);

// Info'This is a info message');

// Start
logger.start('This is a start message');

// Warn
logger.warn('This is a warn message');

// Ready
logger.ready('This is a ready message');

// Success
logger.success('This is a success message');

// Error
logger.error('This is a error message');
logger.error(new Error('This is a error message with stack'));

// Debug
logger.debug('This is a debug message');

// Same as console.log
logger.log('This is a log message');

Custom Logger

You can use the logger.override method to override partial or all methods of the default logger:

import { logger } from '@rsbuild/core';

  log: (message) => {
    console.log(`[log] ${message}`);
  info: (message) => {
    console.log(`[info] ${message}`);
  warn: (message) => {
    console.warn(`[warn] ${message}`);
  start: (message) => {
    console.log(`[start] ${message}`);
  ready: (message) => {
    console.log(`[ready] ${message}`);
  error: (message) => {
    console.error(`[error] ${message}`);
  success: (message) => {
    console.error(`[success] ${message}`);
  debug: (message) => {
    if (process.env.DEBUG) {
      console.log(`[debug] ${message}`);
});'hello'); // [info] hello


The version of @rsbuild/core currently in use.

  • Type: string
  • Example:
import { version } from '@rsbuild/core';

console.log(version); // 1.0.0